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How Salesforce Document Generation Tools Help Businesses Accelerate Sales Processes

Category :
Salesforce Document Generation

Team Docs Made Easy

Published on May 16, 2022

Every business wants to close more deals and boost ROI more than ever. However, businesses fail to close deals because of their obsolete processes. Today, we will help you identify why businesses aren’t able to accelerate their sales processes and what all they can do to boost their ROI. We will also tell you how Salesforce document generation tools help.

If this interests you, then continue reading!

Why businesses fail to close sales deals

As you are aware that sales success requires a lot of planning – starting from identifying and nurturing leads to renewing and retaining customers. Salesforce CRM helps you with all of this through its Sales and Service Cloud. You can use Sales Cloud to reach out to the right people at the right time. And use Service Cloud to deliver the experiences your customers truly deserve.

However, this is not enough!

Did you know that 64% of sales reps fail to close deals? Source.

Documents: The essence of every sales deal

Documents are an integral part of everything a business does, and it is a vital part of the sales cycle as well. These documents help you connect every area of your business and allow information sharing across multiple departments. Also, sales reps spend half of their time on finding and locating digital documents.

Transform Sales Department

By automating your document generation process, you can significantly improve your sales process. Also, digital automation helps your team members spend less time doing repetitive manual tasks and focus more on bigger goals.

With a Salesforce document generation tool, you can:

  1. Shorten sales cycle
  2. Close more deals
  3. Give sales reps more time to reach out to prospects

Salesforce Document Generation with Docs Made Easy

With Docs Made Easy, you can give your teams the ultimate superpower! Salesforce document generation tool Docs Made Easy allows you to create and send professional-looking documents directly from Salesforce. The tool requires a no-code setup, which is perfect for non-technical teams.

Simple UI: You can easily navigate through the app and complete tasks as Docs Made Easy has a simple and intuitive UI.
Personalization: You can personalize each document as per your customer’s needs and wants.
Precision: With Docs Made Easy, you can create highly precise and accurate presentations, reports, quotes, invoices, contracts, etc., by merging data from any standard or custom object into richly formatted templates.
Reduced errors: Documents created on Docs Made Easy are free from any kind of manual errors.

Wrap Up

This was it! We hope that now you know how you can use Salesforce document generation tools to accelerate your sales process and build a customer base of affinities. If you want to create professional-looking documents with ease, then try out Docs Made Easy. Install from Salesforce AppExchange!

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