
Reasonable Use Policy

At Docs Made Easy, we are committed to providing our customers with a reliable and high-quality document generation service. To ensure the optimal performance of our services for all users, we have established this Reasonable Use Policy. This policy outlines the acceptable use of our services and helps prevent practices that could negatively impact our system and other customers.

1. Purpose

This Reasonable Use Policy ("Policy") is intended to ensure that all customers can enjoy a positive experience with Docs Made Easy. Overuse or misuse of the service can degrade the performance and availability of our services for everyone. This Policy sets forth the guidelines for the acceptable use of Docs Made Easy's services.

2. Scope

This Policy applies to all customers and users of Docs Made Easy's services.

3. Acceptable Use

Normal Usage: Docs Made Easy is designed to accommodate the normal document generation needs of our customers. "Normal Usage" is defined as the typical and expected use of the service by a customer based on the plan they have purchased.

Prohibited Activities: Customers are prohibited from engaging in activities that would result in excessive use of the service, including but not limited to:

4. Monitoring and Enforcement

Monitoring: Docs Made Easy reserves the right to monitor usage levels to ensure compliance with this Policy. This includes tracking the number of documents generated, frequency of document generation, and other relevant metrics.

Enforcement: If we determine that a customer's usage is excessive or violates this Policy, we may take corrective actions, including but not limited to:

5. Exceptions

Customers with unique or exceptional document generation needs are encouraged to contact our support team. We are committed to working with our customers to find solutions that meet their needs while ensuring fair usage for all.

6. Amendments

Docs Made Easy reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Customers will be notified of any changes to the Policy, and the latest version will be available on our website.

7. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Reasonable Use Policy, please contact us at:

Docs Made Easy Support Team

Email: support@docsmadeasy.com