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Top 4 Tips To Help You Close Deals Faster with a Document Generation Tool

Category :
Document Automation Tips & Tricks

Team Docs Made Easy

Published on June 11, 2021

If you are a Salesperson, then you must be feeling the pressure of constantly closing deals. The right tools in a business can help you pave your way to success. Also, these tools would help you follow the ABC rule of Sales- Always be closing.

There are several sales tools that help businesses get more revenue, but even they don’t help in closing all of the deals. In this plethora of tools, all you need in today’s world is a Document Generation App.

First, get yourself a Salesforce document generation tool and add it into Salesforce if you haven’t already. Next up, do follow our tips and close deals like a pro! So, let’s just dive straight into these tips!

1. Make Sure those Proposals Go in Right Hands

Many times you get hundreds of tasks lined up right after you get off the phone with your client.  And, when this happens, you just forget to deliver the proposal at the right time, or it gets too late to get back to the client.

Here, a document generation app can help you with automatically sending proposals just after a status change in Salesforce. Thus, you can send those proposals to the right person and at the right time. It’s a win-win for you! Also, you are eliminating the manual work of your team and avoiding errors that might cause you trouble!

2. Get Started with Sales Quotes

Now, you are all happy because the client you spent hours convincing has finally agreed to buy from you. But, the moment you get off the phone, all you have to think about is sending him a personalized quote.

You need to put their names, the product/service they want, and of course the prices. That too, double-checking the price! Who got time for that? A Salesforce document generation app, like Docs Made Easy, can help you with this. With just a click of a button, you can auto-populate the data that you want in your quote! Wasn’t that great? Hold on, here’s more to come.

3. Deliver Consistent Sales Documents

It is a good practice to deliver consistent documents at all levels of your business. You need to send a document to your client that you really want to send. A document that helps you deliver consistent branding of your company. Furthermore, you can amp up your document game with a Salesforce document generation tool and deliver uniform documents at all platforms!

4. Quicker TAT to deliver the best

Clients love it when you value their time and make them feel wanted across the customer cycle. With a document generation tool for Salesforce, you can improve your team’s efficiency and deliver the best to your clients quickly. In addition, document generation that allows you to create multiple types of documents in multiple formats is the best thing to ace up your Sales game!

Summing it Up

Now you know how a Salesforce document generation tool can truly help you close all those deals. You should try out one for yourself! If you are looking forward to trying out the Docs Made Easy app for your Salesforce document creation, click here.

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