
Top 5 Ways You Can Leverage Workflow Tools for Your Business

Category :
Tips & Tricks

Team Docs Made Easy

Published on April 25, 2022

9 out of 10 employees perform at least one task in a day that could easily be automated. Such tasks make employees less productive and more tedious while they also require organizations to pay a hefty amount of money. There are so many workflow tools that could easily automate any such tasks and help your employees perform better.

Automating workflows simply means shifting the manual tasks to a digital tool that can handle the work for your business. While workflows also require human intervention but it’s not like how you’d normally do. They require you to trigger a task or perform an action for your business. Today, we are here to tell you the top 5 ways you can leverage workflow tools for your business.

So, let’s begin!

#1. Generating Compelling Documents

Workflow tools allow you to create error-free digital documents with their pre-built templates. You can send these documents to your customers, employees, or business associates. For instance, you can use the Salesforce document generation tool Docs Made Easy to create professional documents that work for every industry. You can create quotes, work orders, invoices, receipts, proposals, and so much more that will make your life so much easier.

#2. Managing Invoice Process

The best workflow tools can be used to manage and create invoices. The invoice process is typically a very time-consuming process that needs a lot of manual intervention. Your sales team spends a lot of time manually copying and pasting information into your accounting system. Humans tend to make mistakes and there are chances that you’re sending the wrong information to your clients.

#3. Offboarding Staff

Many tasks need to be done when employees leave an organization. And all such tasks need to be quickly done by the time that employee is in your organization. By automating workflows, you can make offboarding processes of your business much more easier and efficient.

#4. Automating Daily Tasks

Automating workflows also means that you now have the power of business tools that can be used to simplify your daily tasks. Your creative aspect of business can be automated and thus, help in making the management of creative teams more efficient. With predefined templates, your creative teams can also try their hands at customizing them better and making processes simpler.

#5. Sales & Marketing

With workflow teams, your sales and marketing teams can go beyond email automation. They can use workflow tools that allow them to connect their website’s backend with your CRM. So, now, when a customer fills an inquiry form on your website, you can directly take it as a lead in Salesforce. Also, your sales team can assist them with quick resolutions as they will get instant notification of that query. Also, depending on the product, the customer inquired about, the system can even send relevant brochures or schedule calls.

Wrap Up

We hope that you liked the blog and you got to learn from it. If you’re looking forward to automating your Salesforce document generation process, then Docs Made Easy is the solution for you. Check out the app on Salesforce AppExchange and try the app without spending a penny. We will be back with another blog really soon. Till then, happy reading! 🙂

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