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Top 10 Apps Every Sales Team Should Use

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Document Automation

Team Docs Made Easy

Published on May 29, 2023

Every Sales team wants certain apps that precisely help them with every aspect of their work. And we know how important it is to stand out at work. It is amazing what humans can accomplish with the aid of technology.

Salesforce CRM is one such technology that helps Sales teams skyrocket sales and manage pipelines with various tools and apps.

So, In this blog today, we have put together a list of ten must-have apps in the Sales team’s arsenal to supercharge selling and driving revenues.

Here are 10 Apps Every salesteam should use in 2023

1. Docs Made Easy

A Salesforce Document Generation App that helps you take care of your documentation needs in one place. You can create effective digital documents such as Quotes, Proposals, Invoices, Contracts, Receipts, and more in the formats you want.

It allows your Sales team to focus on other important goals for your business than just documents. The best part? It is available for free. Also, it has great ratings on Salesforce AppExchange and has a great support team to sort things out if you get stuck anywhere.

2. SMS Magic

Did you know that about 30-50% of sales go to vendors who respond first? And it is important to make sure you are there when your customers need you. SMS Magic allows your sales teams to reach out to customers through text, Whatsapp, and Facebook Messenger in Salesforce. Also, you can use SMS Magic to create targeted email marketing campaigns and inbound conversations.

3. Hoopla

You know how competitive your sales team has to be to get that perfect deal for your business. Hoopla is a sales gamification that allows your team to be competitive and turn it into positive ROI. Also, Hoopla lets you create a business of energy and performance. Sales leaderboards win announcements through Slack or Teams, and even races/contests.

4. ZoomInfo Powered By DiscoverOrg

Your sales team wants to be on the top to accelerate the sales growth for your business. However, it gets difficult to find the right people who would like to buy from you. ZoomInfo, powered by DiscoverOrg, is a sales intelligence platform that allows you to connect with decision-makers easily.

Also, ZoomInfo helps your teams to identify the buyers in the target market and reach out to them faster.

5. GeoPoint Mapping

How important is it to know the location of your prospects? Very important, right!

GeoPoint Mapping allows your sales team to know where the customers are. It has the perfect blend of location intelligence. Also, it helps salespeople to manage territories and analyze performance based on locations. Furthermore, the app helps you create geo-targeted campaigns and events.

6. Zendesk Sell

Zendesk Sell, an innovative sales CRM, may help you strengthen productivity, analyze your pipeline’s progress, and boost sales. In today’s market, sales staff are expected to be more savvy than ever.

You can access incredibly important client information from sales and services on a single platform with Sell. Keep an eye on the whole context of where your potential customers are in their buying journey. Give salespeople the tools and knowledge they require to deliver personalized customer care anywhere.

7. PipeLaunch

With PipeLaunch, data from clients’ LinkedIn profiles (and other data sources) will be automatically migrated to Salesforce, including all relevant, latest contact information, business news, and even what technologies they are utilizing — there will be no need to press CTRL V.
PipeLaunch evaluates Potential Customer Profiles and, with the push of a button, imports all relevant data into Salesforce, saving sales teams several hours of research and data entry.

By maintaining the customers’ taste in Salesforce, you may increase Salesforce adoption and enhance data augmentation.

8. Scratchpad

Scratchpad is a tool that effectively integrates all of the sales team’s workplaces’ platforms and integrates them quickly to Salesforce. With precise estimates and insights into every sale, it aids Sales Administrators, RevOps, and Sales Managers in their Sales management.

9. Leadfeeder

Leadfeeder is the way to go if you’re looking for a user-friendly lead-generating solution. Even more enticing is the reality that Leadfeeder’s free tier highlights possible clients from the last seven days.

An effective way for marketers to discover the prospects they ought to focus on is with Leadfeeder.

Users of the app may classify leads, develop prospects, and obtain reports on their existing marketing strategy in addition to managing marketing campaigns.

10. Hubspot Sales Hub

One of the most popular sales platforms is Hubspot, and for good reason. Its feature set is extensive and potent, and it has a plethora of connectors, which makes it simple to integrate into the majority of pre-existing sales workflows. it aids sales teams in communicating with customers in a more effective and automated manner.

Summing Up

We hope that you liked our blog on the top 10 apps for your Sales team. Also, do let us know how you find it and share your thoughts on our social media handles. Also, if you are willing to try out the Docs Made Easy app from Salesforce AppExchange, click here!

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